Scene 96
Scene 96 International Edition (Zyklop Software) (Disc 2) (1997).iso
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Text File
114 lines
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|| *the SHOEBOX (ahq) chanded it's number ... |
:| *the CHAOS DOCKS have now a new PUBLIC line | :
| *all hq's, ds and mb's have to CONTACT US every 3 months |.
|| or they will deleted! :
.| *we killed some MEMBERS couse inactivity and the didn't | :
: contact us for a very long time, if they have still :|
:| interests, or they wanted just be a dist, they should :.
: contact us...(again & fast ;) :|
:| *JEDI is now chq and the SHOGUNAT is now ghq |
| *the MARINES is not longer chq, couse he lost fun on sdi ?! :
:| *the RATHOLE (mb) is forever offline :|
.| *s.u.r.g.e. changed his name, he's now: srj :.
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|| nAme : cOuntry| Title |
|| - - - - - - - - - : - - - -:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Magus . ger . Founder, Coder, Anscii, PR |
|| E605 ger Founder, Musican, Ansi ||.
|. T.M.F. ger Musican (aka deephouse) ||
| Trivial ger Ansi, Vga ::
| Sound Runner ger Musican, Coder |
| Atom Ant ger . Ra-toolz, Coder |
:| Thunder . ger Ra-toolz :|
| Omen ger Coder, Ra-toolz :
|| D.J. Speedraver ger Musican |:
| Srj ger 3D gfx (formerly: surge) |
: Maniac ger . Coder .:
. The Mighty Sci! ger TXT Writer |
: Rasputin ger . Coder |
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: About SDI: We are not a group which will release other things :.
:. than *.DMF, *.TXT, *.EXE, *.CFG, *.* |
: History: Puhh.. that's too long to explain, the mostly |.
. important thing is, that we are exists... .
. Da Rulez: It is strictly forbitten to sold our piece of stupid :
: work on commercial CD-Rom's, without our agreement, .:
: else you have to pay 10.000DM per month every |.
.| members of sdi. A live long.. :
| Members: We are always searching for more cool members. :
.|Greetings: They'll fly out to following groups (no order): ||
: energetic.303 dimension.terrabyte.rat.wild |
| style.surprise.cop.candela.mistery.creation.ld. |
. blank.triton.requem.blown2bits.nonsens.rr.nova- |
|: storm.hbe.styx.diabolic force.shadow gallery. .|
: hx.zyklop.jester.videopolis.venom.amable.phat. |
: intoxicate.bh.bomb20.cn.xtd.ue.magic.art&allwe4got .<
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